Friday, July 12, 2013

Nose Whistle

I've had a broken blood vessel spider vein hermangioma thing on the bridge of my nose for awhile. My son calls it my blood whistle or nose whistle instead of vessel. I've gotten little ones on my cheeks, chest, and arms before. Getting rid of those was a piece of cake. They would hit them with a laser that felt like a little rubber band snap, the spot would turn a little darker with a small scab that would flake off in a few days. With my luck, the type I have and the location on the bridge of my nose is a whole different ball game. It also glows like a stop light and takes a pound of makeup to hide. Any time my heart rate, blood pressure, or body heat would rise, it got so bright I swear it could be seen from space. They had to zap the living piss out of my face and it hurt like hell. It is now day 3. I am itchy, sore, and have a huge black mark on my face. All I gotta say is this better fricken work. I also have a tiny bump which is a hardened cyst of some sort that would take surgery to remove. Though I would like that gone too,  I don't enough to have my nose cut open regardless how small the incision. I have included some lovely pictures. Don't be jealous. The lightest one is the before picture. The pic doesn't do it justice. It looked worse in person. The middle one was taken an hour after getting lasered. The darker one is day 3 (today). Fun fun :(

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